It's really nice to get out of your way with fear to the other side, to listen to your advice, my heart rejoices when you explain the world to me again.I'm just a candy you can drool over.It's nice that you accost me at night, you follow me, sometimes you grab me, push me, hit me.It's really nice when you look at me for so long or comment on my appearance, those compliments I have never heard before.It's great that no one takes my opinion seriously, it's great that they are in charge of me, and I can then take care of the washing up, painting the nails, polishing the floor, and the children's meal.How wonderful to be silenced so that your voice finally gets stuck in your throat permanently and you never use it in public, there's no need to, they'll do better.You're not serious.The best are the nice, obedient, silent ones, such that they take up as little space as possible, but look nice.
2021, work in progress